We’re a brand-evangelizing, design-savvy, über-creative, human-centric, awesome-inducing, hyper-digital, hyphen-loving, possible-defying un-agency—proudly breaking the rules since day one.
We live locally, and draw inspiration from the community around us.
We strive always to develop big ideas, and deliver even bigger results.
We never settle for ordinary, unless we can make it extraordinary.
We know what works now (or doesn't), so we can focus on what comes next.
Calling all thinkers, makers, and do'ers.
We’re well known for building bold, bodacious brands, killer campaigns and stellar strategies. You won’t find any half-assery here—we dare to believe in something greater than ‘tried and true’, and we’re always on the lookout for courageous new clients to partner with.
Why Sawhorse?
There’s something nostalgic about the smell of freshly sawed lumber. It’s earthy and savory-sweet. A scent that sticks with you, like a fond memory.
I grew up with a father who loved to manipulate wood. He’d carve it into shapes and build amazing things.
From a young age, I would spend countless summer days outside with my Dad, measuring twice and cutting once. A pair of gnarled, weather-beaten sawhorses were our constant companions.
They were simple and sturdy, assembled from old barn-board. And despite many years of hard use, the sawhorses stood steadfast and true.
We draw inspiration from those sawdusty sunny days, helping our neighbours in the town of Newmarket, and our clients across Southern Ontario, build amazing brands.
Harness the Power.